Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 3/4: Family

Dear Mom,
I love it when we’re both pretty cheery (for us) and just have fun hanging out. Sometimes you get on my nerves, not gonna lie. But I love you, forevsies.
Love, Me
Dear Dad,
I have you to thank for my tendency to laugh crack up at jokes that... well, aren’t that funny, but are, kinda. It’s my sincerest hope that you and I always laugh at stuff that makes Mom roll her eyes.
Love, Me
Dear Johnny,
You are too smart, little brother. I have a feeling you will outdo me in many things (grades, annual salary, general nerdy knowledge) but you know I love ya for it. Try to keep warm up there in Canada Ithaca and don’t party too hard.
Love, Me
Dear Sophie,
Last but certainly not least. You used to annoy me A Lot, but now it’s more like just Medium. I think it’s cool that you’re good at stuff that Johnny and I are pretty much tards at, but please stop taking clothes from my room when I’m not home, kthx.
Love, Me